Drama Studio London is a renowned acting school based in West London. We offer professional acting training at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels as well as part time courses.

We value diversity and welcome applications from everyone who meets the job specification criteria regardless of gender, age, race, marital status, language, cultural, social or religious background, physical or sensory difficulty, neuro-diversity, sexual orientation or HIV status. We will always challenge prejudice and ensure equality of opportunity for every applicant.

Freelancer Opportunities

If you are a professional creative industry practitioner and would like to work with us, please send your CV to admin@dramastudiolondon.co.uk

Current Vacancies

Stage Manager

Role: Stage Manager 

Salary range: in accordance with Equity rates of pay 

This job is available on a permanent basis. We are also regularly looking for short-term contract stage management for productions and projects.

The role involves stage managing in-house performances, from props to technical management. During off site productions, the Stage Manager is responsible for delivering technical support. 

To apply, please send your CV and a covering letter to admin@dramastudiolondon.co.uk
